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Re: Free PageMaker-style program?

Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> wrote (about emaulation of

>Lyx, as far as I know, isn't a page layout program, it's a word
>processor.  Have the developers added page layout features?  I can't
>imagine trying to emulate PageMaker-like features from within the
>constraints of LaTeX.

As far as I know, TeX has a so-called "output routine", that works
each time TeX has eaten enough text to fill a new page. This output
routine controls the layout of the page, and if I am well informed,
the output routine is (like the rest of TeX) very powerfull and
flexiable. Therefore, I think it would be possible to generate a page
layout program based on TeX (like Lyx is based on TeX).


Paul Huygen

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