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Starting out...

Hi folks!

I've just finished the hardware part of building my very own PC Compatible
(AMD K5-166, Amptron PM8600 motherboard, 32MB RAM, S3 Trio64+ 2MB video
card, Creative Labs SoundBlaster Vibra16 audio, Hitachi 7730 IDE 4X CD-ROM,
Quantum Bigfoot 4.3GB IDE HD, Teac 1.44MB HD, soon to be getting a Seagate
[Conner] 800MB Tape Drive) and am tweaking Windows95 into submission.

When I formatted for 95 I left 1.3GB unformatted for use by Debian Linux
1.3.1. I will be using Benedict Chong's excellent utility PowerBoot to make
the system a dual-boot. I chose Debian at the behest of Chong and my
longtime friend Phil Hansford. My CD comes from Workgroup Solutions (Linux
Mall) but I will buy another direct from the Debian Organization to support
their good work.

Are there still any pitfalls to using Debian Linux with the K5 chip or any
of the other hardware I mentioned above? Eventually I plan on upgrading to
the K6 chip...I've heard some Linux horror stories about the K6 not
working. Anyone on this list use PowerBoot to dual boot? I'm gonna need a
*lotta support* from you folks, and I promise when I become a Linux guru I
will help the newbies on this list.

For an account of my ongoing experiences building my computer, check out my

"Ms Geek's 3D House Of Clones"

Take care,

                    The World Wide Web-famous Ms. Geek
                       "That's Ms. Geek to you!!!"
       msgeek@amazoncity.com -- http://www.amazoncity.com/~msgeek/
              "Technology's no place for wimps!" -- Dilbert

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