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Re: "pg" command for linux?

Actually, that's what I've done (i.e. creating a link from pg to less).  
But the students, being used to pg, have some difficulties adjusting.  
Since it's a certificate course and we go at it 8 hours a day, 5 days
a week, when they're already in the "pg"-rut, making the adjustment to
"less" can be a source of mild frustrations.  If at all possible, I'd
like to make the transition to Linux as transparent as can be.

Something of note -- it's odd that "less" doesn't allow you to use   
control-C to abort it, nor does it allow you to use ENTER or SPACE
to get out of it when you're at the end of the file.  This was
driving my students crazy since they are in the pg-rut -- I had to
keep reminding them to use "q".

-- Harmon

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