Bizarre virtual consoles whenever I leave the X screen
I have a bizarre problem with my computer when I run X.
I managed to get gpm ... -R to work and I set the correct
/dev/gpmdata in XF86Config so X starts OK. However, when
I switch back to any of the Virtual Consoles 1 through 6,
they are all gibberish.
I sat down and worked out that the screen is displaying
characters mapped thus (where 7654321 stand for the bits
in 7bit ascii, 7 being msb, 1 being lsb):
character 7654321 is displayed as 76540321
i.e. 32 through 39 display as 64 through 71,
40 through 47 display as 80 through 87,
48 through 96 display as 96 through 103, etc.
After much fiddling, I've discovered that I can restore the
screen by typing (blindly)
setfont default8x16
but I have to do this every time I leave the X screen
(not just the first time after starting X). Everything stays
OK so long as I stick to VC1 through 6, until I visit "7",
i.e. X, again.
I imagine that the memory used by X to store the picture of the
screen is overlapping in some way the memory where my ordinary
text fonts are being stored. What should I do?
The display card is an Acumos Avance Logic 2228,
chipset ali2301 according to X's probing.
The PC has an AMI BIOS, and I'm using the SVGA Xserver.
David Wright.
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