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Greetings, debian-users!

   I'm trying to make a Linux box (linus) into an NIS client.  I've
already set up martin (an AIX system) as the NIS server.  It seems
to work, 99% of the way; on linus, I can:

   * 'ypcat passwd' and get a listing of Martin's passwd database

   * 'su - testy', where testy is a user defined only on Martin,
     and it works

   * run yppasswd to change testy's NIS password, and it takes (the
     password change is reflected by the fact that testy can use
     the new password to log into Martin).

However, if I telnet to linus and try to log in as testy, I get
"Login incorrect."  It's really odd.  Interestingly, when I run
yppasswd on linus and it prompts for testy's old password and I type
it in, it accepts it, which suggests that it knows how to look up
and verify usernames and passwords using NIS.  I haven't been able
to figure out what's wrong.  I've checked the NIS "howto", which
was useful in getting it to this point, but isn't of much help in

   My kernel is version 1.3.66, compiled on a 386.

   Anyone have any helpful advice on this topic?

                                   -- Mark

Mark Tomory <mark@martin.carthage.edu>   2001 Alford Park Dr.
Network Coordinator                      Kenosha, WI 53140
Carthage College                         USA
       Phone: (414) 551-5793  /  Facs: (414) 551-6208

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