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Re: A couple suggestions to improve debian installation (long)

>Personally, I find the slackware installation scripts annoying... I
>feel as if I am reading WIRED.  Color is good when used properly, but
>lets make sure that nobody gets carried away Turner-izing things when
>they are readable as-is.  And also make sure that those of us using
>terminals that aren't color-capable still can use them well...

Right.  The colors have to be pleasing and still look good if reduced to
black and white.  However, it must also be consistant!  Having somethings
in color and some in b&w (or even different colors) gives a feeling of
disjointness.  "This is bad.  This is very bad."

                                 ( bcwhite@bnr.ca )

    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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