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Re: Acertando a hora GMT+3 ou GMT-3?

On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 10:42:06PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 07:00:32PM -0300, Pedro Zorzenon Neto wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 06:35:44PM -0200, Fabiano Manoel de Andrade wrote:
> >   Mas o modo mais prático é mudar com o tzconfig para 12(none of the
> > above) GMT+3...
> Não estamos na Europa; aqui é GMT-3.

achei isso esquisito, mas olhe só o exemplo abaixo... conclui então que é GMT+3

mantis:~# date 
Sáb Out 13 10:21:38 BRT 2001
mantis:~# date --utc
Sáb Out 13 13:21:41 UTC 2001
mantis:~# tzconfig
Your current time zone is set to America/Sao_Paulo
Do you want to change that? [n]: y
Please enter the number of the geographic area in which you live:
	6) Atlantic Ocean		12) None of the above

Then you will be shown a list of cities which represent the time zone
in which they are located. You should choose a city in your time zone.

Number: 12

GMT GMT-0 GMT+0 GMT0 GMT-1 GMT+1 GMT-10 GMT+10 GMT-11 GMT+11 GMT-12
GMT+12 GMT-13 GMT-14 GMT-2 GMT+2 GMT-3 GMT+3 GMT-4 GMT+4 GMT-5 GMT+5 GMT-6
GMT+6 GMT-7 GMT+7 GMT-8 GMT+8 GMT-9 GMT+9 Greenwich UCT Universal UTC Zulu

Please enter the name of one of these cities or zones
You just need to type enough letters to resolve ambiguities
Press Enter to view all of them again
Name: [] gmt+3

Your default time zone is set to 'Etc/GMT+3'.
Local time is now:      Sáb Out 13 10:22:06 GMT+3 2001.
Universal Time is now:  Sáb Out 13 13:22:06 UTC 2001.
mantis:~# tzconfig
Your current time zone is set to Etc/GMT+3
Do you want to change that? [n]: y
Please enter the number of the geographic area in which you live:
Number: 12

GMT GMT-0 GMT+0 GMT0 GMT-1 GMT+1 GMT-10 GMT+10 GMT-11 GMT+11 GMT-12
GMT+12 GMT-13 GMT-14 GMT-2 GMT+2 GMT-3 GMT+3 GMT-4 GMT+4 GMT-5 GMT+5 GMT-6
GMT+6 GMT-7 GMT+7 GMT-8 GMT+8 GMT-9 GMT+9 Greenwich UCT Universal UTC Zulu

Please enter the name of one of these cities or zones
You just need to type enough letters to resolve ambiguities
Press Enter to view all of them again
Name: [] gmt-3
Your default time zone is set to 'Etc/GMT-3'.
Local time is now:      Sáb Out 13 16:22:15 GMT-3 2001.
Universal Time is now:  Sáb Out 13 13:22:15 UTC 2001.

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