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Re: Build-Dependencies of latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab

Danai SAE-HAN (é??é??è??) <danai.sae-han@edpnet.be> wrote:

>> Therefore, you *do* use dh_clean in your clean target. So, debhelper has
>> to be in B-D as opposed to B-D-I.
> Indeed.  But what I actually meant, was the output from vptovf, which
> is built in "build/".  Since I remove "build/" manually, I don't need
> to have texlive-font-utils in B-D-I but in B-D.

Err, I suppose you meant that you don't need to have texlive-font-utils
in B-D, and that B-D-I is OK, right? But I'm not sure why you are
talking about texlive-font-utils, since this we are only talking about
*removing* stuff. rm isn't in texlive-font-utils... What would be the
alternative where having texlive-font-utils in B-D would be justified?

BTW, I forgot to add that I don't much like this 'rm -rf build'. Since
we are at build time, this is presumably not run as root, so it isn't
critical, but I'd suggest to use an argument to the preceding dh_testdir
call to make *really* sure we are in the right directory when running
'rm -rf build'. In fact, I always use arguments to dh_testdir calls; it
is safer. Point it to a file that is specific to your package and is not
likely to be found anywhere else (could be one of your tar.gz files, or
wftodm.c, or even several of them).

> This has helped me a lot!  Thanks!
> I always (wrongly) assumed it had something to do with
> architecture-independent files.

It has more to do with binary packages (and indeed, whether they are
arch: any or arch: all) than with files.


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