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Re: Removing ATLAS?

* M. Zhou <lumin@debian.org> [2023-07-17 12:05]:

On Fri, 2023-07-14 at 01:51 +0200, Sébastien Villemot wrote:

Your fix looks good. Note that an even better fix is to simply Build- Depend on libblas-dev. Linking against an optimized BLAS does not really help at build time, because since all variants are ABI compatible and use the same SONAME, it’s the runtime dependency that really matters.

I agree that an optimized blas is not necessary as build-depeneds. Just want to mention for some computational intensive packages during dh_auto_test, an optimized BLAS may help. Or the tests can take forever to run.

The xmds2 package is an Arch:all package. It does not compile binary programs or libraries at build time that are be linked against BLAS. It needs an optimized BLAS library for running the unit tests, whose code in C++ is automatically generated and compiled on the fly.

I will release a new version of the package that build-depends and depends on libopenblas-dev | libblis-dev.

I am wondering whether we should propose my patch [*] (or something similar) to the upstream authors. Thoughts are welcome.


Rafael Laboissière

[*] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/xmds2/-/blob/cf0fc3d85e86ebdeba9d929d5ecf656ce7657259/debian/patches/vanilla-cblas.patch

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