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Re: packaging wgrib2

Hi Magnus,

Magnus HAGDORN, on 2021-07-27:
> 2. wgrib2 is a large project with many contributors. It is mostly
> public domain. What's the best way of sorting out the copyright file?

The two following commands should give you a perhaps noisy, but
rather complete, overview of copyright informations available in
the entire source code; grep's output can be notably copious:

	$ find -iname '*copyright*' -or -iname '*licen*e*' -or -iname '*author*'
	$ grep -Eir 'copyright|©|licen[cs]e' *

You may also investigate tools such as scan-copyrights(1).  It
has some options to even ease the maintenance of d/copyright in
a way compatible with copyright format 1.0 [1].  The copyright
format 1.0 should give you the way to express multiple authors,
licenses, and terms, in a machine readable format.

[1]: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/

Thanks for your work on wgrib2!

Have a nice day,  :)
Étienne Mollier <emollier@emlwks999.eu>
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