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Re: What to do with d-i on armel?

On Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 09:52:14AM +0100, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:
> Gianluca Renzi wrote:
> > The same here. We never used the d-i but we are using Debian systems (kernel and root file system) as daily bases of our line of products embedded systems. Hundred of thousands of boards are using Debian since Debian Lenny 5.0. From armel to armhf 32 bit systems.
> > So a drop of the armel and/or armhf will force us to a very complicated rearrangement of our build systems.
> > Please don't do that if you can.
> Hi Gianluca,
> if that is so important for your business, you might consider
> sponsoring some work on this issue.
> The Debian Long Term Support project
> <https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/> is about keeping "old stuff"
> working so that might be the right place to ask.

That's not the right place, LTS is about keeping *old Debian versions*
security supported for 2 additional years (and has dropped armel since stretch).

LTS is not doing anything at all regarding keeping older/unusual 
hardware supported, such work has to be done directly in Debian
(and upstream).

> Gerardo


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