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Re: formencode as .egg in Debian ??

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Matthias Urlichs wrote:

>> > ??? Please don't do that in a Debian package.
>> First question, why?
> Because you can't us it with a simple "use formencode".
> "pydoc" doesn't work with eggs either.

Cross-posting from the python-distutils-devel mailing list.

====================== snip ============================
>I'm working around the "problem" by installing a formencode.pth pointing to
>the /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/FormEncode-0.4-py2.4.egg directory.

This isn't a "problem", it's just that the Debian policy isn't 
up-to-date.  Python eggs install this way, and many packages (e.g. 
TurboGears) require the new structure.

>I've played around with FormEncode's setup.py and the site-packages path 
>to be based on the setup(name=xxx, version=yyy), but I could not see any
>to change these values without really messing up all the other tools that
>depend on these values.

Or all the tools that depend on the directory containing version 
information, and expect a certain layout within that directory 
structure.  Do not attempt to change .egg layouts, as any package that has 
bothered to make itself be laid out this way almost certainly has 
non-trivial dependencies on it being laid out this way.

Note also that in many cases, the package will be a single .egg *file*, 
(analagous to a Java .jar file) rather than a directory, and files are 
preferable to directories in most cases as they make Python import 
processing faster.
====================== snip ============================

Upstream python development is saying .egg is the future and preferred way
to (re)distribute python modules. 

Worse(?) if Debian doesn't follow this structure, other python packages may
break (their example TurboGears).

Is Debian python policy dated or wrong?

Debian moving a different direction then upstream python?

- -- 
Bob Tanner <tanner@real-time.com>          | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.real-time.com, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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