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Re: Maximum term for tech ctte members

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> We could combine both features, though: set a term length of two years,
> and then say that people can serve for two terms in succession but then
> have to leave the committee for at least one term.

8 seems like it would be near ideal: turnover is dealt with only about
once per year, it is close to the average of the existing members
terms (7.385 years), and it's likely close the historical average
(although I haven't calculated that, would be interesting for someone
to research).

A 1 year sabbatical could be imposed every 7 years with the seat
remaining available upon return (the TC still works, and is even
possibly more effective with on average 7 members rather than 8)?

Best wishes,

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