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Bug#38902: PROPOSED] data section

On Bug #38902, "Darren O. Benham" <gecko@debian.org> wrote:
> The data section would be governed by the following rules:
> - No package can depend on a package in data.

Where does that leave bible-kjv, bible-kjv-text and verse?

Can a package in main recommend a package in data?

> - No package with an executable can go into data unless it is useable ONLY
>   with a dataset in data.

So should bible-kjv be moved to data as well? What about verse?

>- Only DFSG free datasets are alowed in data.  There is no non-free section
>  of data and contrib does not make sense when applied to datasets.  To
>  that end, datasets can not depend on anything in contrib or non-free.

So what about dict-web1913? it is the most complete dictionary for dictd but
it is non-free. Does that mean that it stays in non-free, does it mean that it
is erases, or does the proposal need changing. Also I thought the DFSG could
not be applied to documents because they are not program, which is why Perl is
allowed to include the Perl FAQ.

What kind of packages are we thinking of for data?

Web mirrors?
anarchism - An exhaustive exploration of Anarchist theory and practice.
gimp-manual - Manual for the GNU Image Manipulation Program
gnu-philosophy - Philosophy of the GNU Project
jargon-html - The definitive compendium of hacker slang.

Funny manpages?
asr-manpages - alt.sysadmin.recovery manual pages
funny-manpages - more funny manpages

Magazine back issues?
heise-register - register of the magazines c't, iX, Elrad and Gateway
lg-base - Shared files for the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue01to08 - Issues 1 to 8 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue* - Issue * of the Linux Gazette.
pj-* - * * number of Pluto Journal.

Technical documents?
bible-kjv-text - King James Version of the Bible - text and concordance
doc-rfc - Important RFCs

dict-easton - Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
dict-elements - Data regarding the Elements
dict-foldoc - FOLDOC Dictionary Database
dict-gazetteer - U.S. Gazetteer
dict-hitchcock - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
dict-jargon - Jargon File 4.0.0
dict-wn - WordNet v1.6
dict-web1913 - 1913 Webster's Dictionary
miscfiles - Dictionaries and other interesting files.

I consume, therefore I am

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