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Re: need input: essential packages and pre-depends

At 11:48 +0100 1998-03-24, Santiago Vila wrote:
>procps was essential in Debian 1.3.1, but it is not essential in hamm.
>procps contains the important /bin/ps binary (which is certainly used in
>maintainer scripts, either directly or indirectly through the init.d

Which packages have maintainer scripts that use ps? (file bugs against
packages that do without a dependency on procps).

I have heard of killall being used in maintainer scripts, but killall is in
'psmisc' (and don't get any ideas ;P).

"Indirectly through the init.d scripts"? If an init.d script is (as it
should) using start-stop-daemon, then there is no usage of /bin/ps,
"indirectly" or otherwise; start-stop-daemon uses /proc directly.

'procps' is clearly deserving of 'required' status, but it is not essential
to the functioning of the packaging system.

As James says, it is a bad idea to remove a required package, and such
removal can hose things, provided there is still enough functionality to
restore the system to proper working order.

Joel "Espy" Klecker    <mailto:jk@espy.org>    <http://web.espy.org/>
Debian GNU/Linux Developer...................<http://www.debian.org/>

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