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Bug#231831: Upgraded to linux 2.6.2 today. After rebooting openoffice.org will consistently crash

retitle 231831 openoffice.org: Crash on startup (while loading truetype file)

On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 06:09, Sean Whitney wrote:
>    /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libpsp645li.so(_ZNK3psp16PrintFontManager25analyzeTrueTypeFamilyNameEPvRN4_STL4listIN3rtl8OUStringENS2_9allocatorIS5_EEEE+0x91)[0x4143c071]
>    /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libpsp645li.so(_ZNK3psp16PrintFontManager19analyzeTrueTypeFileEPNS0_9PrintFontE+0x10d)[0x4143c4c7]
>    /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libpsp645li.so(_ZN3psp16PrintFontManager11addFontFileERKN3rtl7OStringEPK10_FcPatternb+0x850)[0x4143b66a]

This is showing a crash while analysing a font file.  It isn't related
to the 2.6 kernel - maybe the fonts on your system have been changed
since you last used OOo.

Make sure you have 'strace' installed, and then use this command to find
out which font file OOo was trying to read at the time:

OOO_DEBUG=strace openoffice 2>&1 | grep -i "open(.*ttf" | tail -1

Try moving that file out of the way and restarting OOo.

If that works, please let us know which font file caused the problems so
we can try and reproduce the problem to prevent these crashes in the


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