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AM report for Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Julien
   Last name:       Valroff
   Key fingerprint: 17F4 93D8 746F F011 B845  9F91 210B F2AB 9F71 D449
   Account:         julien
   Forward email:   julien@kirya.net

   ID check passed, key signed by 2 existing developers:

   Output from keycheck.sh:

Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
Receiving and checking key
pub   1024D/9F71D449 2005-11-06
      Key fingerprint = 17F4 93D8 746F F011 B845  9F91 210B F2AB 9F71 D449
uid                  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-08  Cédric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
sig!3        9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid       [ revoked] Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.eu>
rev!         9F71D449 2008-06-07  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2007-05-09  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid       [ revoked] Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.fr>
rev!         9F71D449 2010-08-24  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2006-09-09  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid       [ revoked] Julien Valroff <julien@0x7d6.org>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-08  Cédric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
sig!3        9F71D449 2006-01-17  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2006-07-08  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
rev!         9F71D449 2006-12-25  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid                  Julien Valroff <julien@valroff.fr>
sig!3        9F71D449 2010-03-10  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid                  Julien Valroff <jvalroff@april.org>
sig!3        9F71D449 2007-05-23  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid       [ revoked] Julien Valroff <j.valroff@wanadoo.fr>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-08  Cédric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
rev!         9F71D449 2006-09-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
rev!         9F71D449 2007-03-23  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2007-02-04  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
uid       [ revoked] Julien Valroff <julien@skolelinux.no>
sig!         A1696D2B 2006-07-07  Laurent Fousse <laurent@komite.net>
sig!         F7E8BC63 2006-07-08  Cédric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
rev!         9F71D449 2009-03-07  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
rev!         9F71D449 2009-03-15  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sub   4096R/5B55F84D 2006-07-07 [revoked: 2006-07-08]
rev!         9F71D449 2006-07-08  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!3        9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sig!         9F71D449 2006-07-07  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>
sub   2048g/AF86BB77 2005-11-06
sig!         9F71D449 2005-11-06  Julien Valroff <julien@kirya.net>

Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.  Good!
Check for key expire stuff
Valid "e" flag on key 0x210BF2AB9F71D449, no expiration
Valid "s" flag on key 0x210BF2AB9F71D449, no expiration

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

I am 31 yo and live in Remiremont (Vosges), France. I have been working as an
export manager in a textile company for 7 years. Though my job is very
diversified, it has nothing to do with free software…

I discovered Free Software with Apache, PHP and MySQL during my studies of
e-commerce in 1999, and installed my first GNU/Linux machine in 2000.  I have
first used Mandrake, then Red Hat, and discovered Debian +/- 2 years
after. I simply liked the philosophy of the project, and the way it was
organised, and felt in love with apt ;)

My first minor contributions were as a proof-reader in the French l10n team.  I
then submitted my own translations.  I was also the first French coordinator of
Skolelinux, when it was still a tiny project.

I have then worked on packaging software for Debian, without trying to get them
included into the archive, until I discovered rkhunter was not available in the
archive. It was my first package, at that time co-maintained with Micah
Anderson (micah). It was uploaded 5 years ago.

I was accepted as a Debian Maintainer in 2007 and I now maintain 7 packages and
own 2 ITP's for which packages are being worked out.

My main interest in the Debian project goes to packaging, but I am also
interested in QA, but I think I still need to learn before I can be really
helpful in this area.

Becoming a Debian Developer will also offer me the chance to participate to the
life of the project (in clear: I will get voting right), which is very
important to me.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
Julien has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures and
answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good
way. Julien committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his Debian work and accepts
the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
Julien has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian. He is
maintainer of various packages (sponsored by Christoph Haas, Micah Anderson,
Loïc Minier and me). All packages are in good shape. Julien also answered my
other questions regarding T&S without problems.

5. Recommendation
I recommend to accept Julien Valroff as a Debian Developer.

Xavier Oswald <xoswald@debian.org>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org/
GPG key ID: 0x464B8DE3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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