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Bug#1032082: sox: After security update, sox reports WAV file bits per sample is zero

Hi Helmut,

On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 12:23:57AM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> > Is there a minimal testcase available allowed to share on the bug or a
> > way to construct one?
> The clues provided are already good. For compressed codecs such as GSM,
> there is no reasonable wBitsPerSample value, which is why it is set to
> 0. When I wrote the patch, I did not see this use case nor did any test
> case expose it. The actual zero-division happens in a branch specific to
> uncompressed formats and this is where the check really belongs
> (src/wav.c:961 in unstable). I'll update unstable by Monday.
> $ sox -t raw -r 44100 -e signed-integer -b 8 /dev/null -t wav -e gsm-full-rate bug.wav
> $ sox bug.wav fail.wav
> sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `bug.wav': WAV file bits per sample is zero
> $

Many thanks, Helmut. Unless I'm mistaken this will require a manual
unblock as well to enter bookworm (thanks for the fix in unstable).

Do yu plan to take care of it?


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