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Re: RFS: triggerhappy (retry)

On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 02:57:12PM +0100, Stefan Tomanek wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "triggerhappy".


Dear Stefan,

Thanks for your work on this software. I am not a DD, and cannot be an
uploader for your package, but I have a strong opinion that your
work deserves to be included in Debian. Therefore, I hope that
an interested DD will show up.

Here are my comments regarding the packaging:

The package builds OK (tested in squeeze). lintian -I --pedantic
displays a warning about missing upstream changelog:

% lintian -I --pedantic ../triggerhappy_0.3.4-1_i386.deb
P: triggerhappy: no-upstream-changelog

But the orig.tar.gz does not have it either, so it is probably OK by
now, however, you may consider adding it in future, because your work
may be of interest to other distributions, and for them the Debian
changelog is not a substitution for upstream's one.

A somewhat related note: the patch debian-changes-0.3.4-1 in
debian/patches contains changes that actually belong to upstream. As
you are the upstream it should not be a problem to incorporate them in
the proper place. Actually, uscan --verbose shows that you have not
even oficially released the version 0.3.4 yet, while you have already
packaged it for Debian! This is not good.

Your debian/control insists on having debhelper (>= 7.0.50~) but as
you do not use any of the override-* directives, I think that (>= 7)
should suffice.

Your debian/copyright is mostly OK, however, you may consider making
it more DEP-5 aware (http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/). In any case,
the copyright lines must match exactly what you have in the source
files, please amend your Copyright: paragraph respectively. There is
no need for any angular brackets around the copyright line; these
brackets most likely came from the template.

You may also consider removing redundant comments that came from
templates and are seen in your init.d script and debian/rules file.


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