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RFS: (2-nd attempt) dict-freedict -- Freedict dictionary packages


I am looking for a sponsor for dict-freedict package. It is my
second attempt to find the sponsor for this package. The package
is already in Debian, but was orphaned by previous maintainer
John Goerzen. This consist the 47 binary packages. There is the
extract from the .changes file:

Closes: 145584 148209 154537 159304 164559 164838 174695 179281 186044
205417 206113 215001 215014 222853 226895 226904 284496 302549 309814
310857 317078 318024 320474
 freedict (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (Closes: #206113).
   * Updated with the new upstream versions (all, except eng-hun,
     hun-eng and eng-por) (Closes: #148209, #154537) . Added new
     dictionaries: eng-ara, eng-rom, eng-scr, ita-eng (Closes: #309814)
     and wel-eng. So, the source tarbal version bumped to 1.2.
   * All the dictionaries unformated, fixed the headers, removed the
     many duplicated entries for most words in the dictionaries (but
     not all) (Closes: #186044), and formated using locale en_US.UTF-8
     again (Closes: #145584, #164559, #222853, #320474):
     - now all dictionaries have header 00-database-utf8 in dict
       files (Closes: #174695, #317078).
     - fixed some spelling mistakes in the eng-fra dictionary
       (Closes: #302549, #310857).
     - changed incorrect entry for "elemination" to "elimination" in the
       eng-deu dictionary (Closes: #284496).
     - corrected the references to "Africaan" in the afr-deu dictionary
       to "Afrikaans" (Closes: #318024).
   * Changed files debian/{postinst, postrm} (Closes: #215001).
   * Added the file debian/README.Debian with a note about encoding.
     Added the warning about setting locale in /etc/defaults/dictd to
     the file debian/postinst (Closes: #179281, #226895, #159304).
   * Removed the files from debian directory: control.tmpl,
     gencontrol.py and namefixup.py (no need any more)
     (Closes: #215014).
   * debian/control:
     - bumped Standards-Version to 3.6.2 (no changes required).
     - removed Build-Depends on python2.3 and python2.3-dictdlib
       packages and added Build-Depends on dictfmt and locales packages.
     - removed dict-freedict meta-package, and added providing the
       virtual dict-freedict package (Closes: #205417).
     - added the new binary packages for dictionaries eng-ara, eng-rom,
       eng-scr, ita-eng and wel-eng.
     - slo-eng package description changed to "Slovak-..." instead of
       "Slovenian-..." (Closes: #164838).
   * debian/copyright:
     - fixed the text formating (Closes: #226904).
     - changed the postall adress of the FSF.

The packages is linda, lintian clean and builds with pbuilder.

These packages can be found on my repository at

deb      http://kebil.ghost.lt/ debian/ 
deb-src  http://kebil.ghost.lt/ debian/

I'd be very glad if someone of you could sponsor them for me.

Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil@kaunas.init.lt>

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