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Re: Got program, howto debianize ?

John wrote:
>josX wrote:
>> I wrote a program, and i would like to have it in debian format,
>> and if people like it in the debian releases. If packaging isn't
>> too difficult i would have no problems with debianizing it, but
>> it is not my first interest (packaging/installing etc). OTOH, maybe
>> it is fun to do, i've no idea what exacly it involves and how
>> difficult it is.
>See http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/.

Ok thanks.
Problem: its not just one binary which goes into $PATH.
Problem 2: packaging doesn't interest me to the point that i can hardly
focus to read the docs about it.
If someone wants to package the program, let me know and i'll be
happy to help out where i can with changing the sources to something

This is what the prog does, i guess it is certainly something fitting
for the community to provide/have (maybe especially these days):
You can write a very abstract template ballot, which will look just like
a normal email to the voters when they get it. Filling out their vote
(and optional comments) is as straightforward as filling out whatever they
feel is voting behind the question of your chosing, like "vote: ...", or
whatever. When the returns are received (you can add voters during the
voting process), from it is generated frequencies of how many times a
certain vote was cast, a list of votes+votercodes+comments (one per line), and
a list of the voters names (or other id's) (and some other lists of lesser
importance), which are meant for publication.
This provides a voting process which is much harder to manipulate then
traditional polling, also by the organizors of the poll, because
people can check that their vote was counted correctly (check votercode), and
can check the list of voters to see if these id's belong to existing
people (which admitedly is a bit harder worldwide then when polling in your
local school). From the results a website is generated, if no complaints
come forward (which can be verified with optional passwords), you are
required to start scrambling your "secret" data about who has which
"votercodes", to maintain anonimity of the votes, and delete the received
ballots as well. You're then left with hard to secretly manipulate
polling results (and comments).
Good things:
- no limit on polls per ballot
- no limit on options per question
- options for questions can be randomly ordered (left/right up/down)
- no fixed content anywhere except a votercode-string
- voting can occurr fairly free format over several lines (if required)
- if/then which flips over voter-data for things to include into the ballot
- multiple runs over the template-ballot making nesting calls possible,
  interesting possibilities with if-then structures.
- program is nicely coded for readability (i think), with lots of
- polls pack-up/unpack facility.
- ofcourse no limit on number of voters
- fairly easy to use (i think)
- tested in real-life situation
- pretty much ready
- not buggy
- pretty much free format ballots

I read in the archives some would-be maintainers didn't have their own
progs but wanted to maintain, i have my own prog but don't want to maintain.
Anyone ?


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