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Re: pynast - still 1.1, but moving towards unstable

Hi Steffen,

> we have qiime in experimental because of pynast from what I recall.
> I have not moved that into non-free/sid.

I'd forgotten about PyNAST.  I can't see any licensing reason why it
can't go into Sid.  I've had a play with it just now and have the
following comments:

- The package should probably be called simply "pynast" as it's
primarily an application written in Python not a Python module.
- On Lucid I have to change "--with python2" to "--with python-support"
to build but as far as I can see the result is identical.  In either
case we can drop the build dependency on python-central.
- In the docs directory the .buildinfo file can be excluded.
- Also in docs the .js files should not be compressed and the
jquery.js.gz file can be symlinked as per Lintian warning, with
dependency on libjs-jquery.

I committed the relevant changes to SVN just now.

> Are you on the commit list? You'd need to like what I did.

I've never touched it before today, and the only requirement for Qiime
is that the 'pynast' binary is in the path and is functional, so really
whatever you do I'll be happy.  I've gone ahead and renamed the binary
package as noted above but not yet the source package, so it's up to you
to rename the source too or else revert the name to python-pynast if you
think I'm mistaken.  I'm not fussed either way.

> I'd feel like separating the documentation into python-pynast-doc.
> It is not so large and the tool is not used in constrained
> environments ... well, clouds, maybe ...

Maybe, but anyone assembling HT sequence isn't going to care about
saving 120K of space so I think there may be better uses for your
time ;-)



Tim Booth <tbooth@ceh.ac.uk>
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre 

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