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Re: DM application for David Paleino

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007, Francesco Namuri wrote:

I know a people that have the gpg-key signed by a DD
(Andrea Mennucci <mennucc1@debian.org>), he lives in Mazzara
del Vallo (the city where David lives) but studies in Pisa,
he's my house mate in Pisa, Me too I've the key signed from
Andrea and I've applied to become a DD.
I know that this is not a normal procedure, but I propose it anyway...
On these holidays my house mate (Giuseppe Benigno) can verify
the identity of David and sign his key...
This can increase the trust on the identity of David, I repeat, I know
that it's required the verify from a DD, I don't know if this can help.

For me this would be a reasonably acceptable link to the Debian
key ring.

David, if this don't help Iin anyway, we (me and Giuseppe) can
offer ospitality in Pisa to permit a meet with Andrea to sign your key... :)

Ahh, visiting Pisa - interesting opportunity for a physicist like me. ;-))
I hope I will make it one day and we should meet there to drink some
Italian wine. :)

Kind regards



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