I've worked during February 2023 on the below listed packages, for Freexian LTS/ELTS [1] Many thanks to Freexian and our sponsors [2] for providing this opportunity! LTS: ==== - wireshark/stretch: DLA-3313-1 (CVE-2022-4345 CVE-2023-0411 CVE-2023-0412 CVE-2023-0413 CVE-2023-0415 CVE-2023-0417) - trafficserver: triaging - libgit2: DLA-3340-1 (CVE-2020-12278, CVE-2020-12279, CVE-2023-22742) - firmware-nonfree: (WIP) ELTS: ===== - modsecurity-apache2/jessie: ELA-792-1 (CVE-2022-48279) - libgit2/stretch: ELA-805-1 (CVE-2020-12278, CVE-2020-12279, CVE-2023-22742) - wireshark/stretch: ELA-796-1 (CVE-2022-4345 CVE-2023-0411 CVE-2023-0412 CVE-2023-0413 CVE-2023-0415 CVE-2023-0417) [1] https://www.freexian.com/lts/ [2] https://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html#sponsors Cheers, -- tobi
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