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Re: About distribution of modified copy of Debian OS

On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 06:33:35PM +0200, Borja Sanchez wrote:
> Dear Debian Project Team,
> My name is Borja Sanchez, writting from Spain. I am currently planning to
> run a paid course where I will distribute a modified version of Debian,
> rebranded and renamed. This software will be offered at no extra cost as
> part of the course materials.
> In addition to this, I wish to inform you that I am also considering
> charging a fee for this customized software in the future, separate from
> the course fees.
> The custom OS version will be built from the latest Debian stable version,
> by running a live-build process to build a ISO image with custom packages,
> scripts, assests pre-installed.
> With these points in mind, I have two key questions:
> 1. I would like to confirm that these proposed actions comply with the
> GPL's guidelines and Debian's policies.
> 2. I am interested to know if there are any other considerations,
> requirements, or permissions I should be aware of before proceeding with
> this plan.

As someone else has suggested, this is not going to make large amounts 
of money for the software. You will be responsible for all branding 
checking, security support and so on.

If you do this, *please* change the reportbug scripts, the popularity
contest script, set up your own bug tracking instance and generally
be prepared to handle all queries from your users because Debian will
not be able to help them since we won't know how your distribution differs.
You may find it easier to use unmodified Debian and just supply
a small amount of software hosted and supported by you in addition.
Depending on the nature of the course, this might even be simplest by
hosting your own website.

Also please check the Debian wiki for details of how to set up

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

> Your expert advice and guidance on this matter would be greatly
> appreciated. I value your work and aim to respect the open-source
> principles that Debian upholds.
> Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.
> Best regards,
> Borja Sanchez

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