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I have a question about how to manage contributions in an open source project.

Here is a file as example:


There is an AUTHORS file which describes the main developers:


A COPYING file with the full license.

and a CREDITS file which contains all contributors and what they work on.


The matter is some people have contributed significantly to, for example, the 
utils.c file, however they have no copyright.

I was thinking about adding something like this in each file header:

Author: Fwknop developers (see AUTHORS file
           - https://github.com/mrash/fwknop/blob/master/AUTHORS)
Copyright: 2012-2014 Fwknop developers and contributors
           (see https://github.com/mrash/fwknop/blob/master/CREDITS)

The CREDITS file could provide contributor email address. This way there is no 
need to worry to put all copyright holders in each file (file scope).

Would this be ok?


Franck Joncourt

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