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POC (password on card) license


I'm packaging POC from http://poc.crackinghacking.de/

The program is distributed under GPL, but I have observed several
irregularities, and so I wanted to ask wheter it's DFSG compliant or not:

* It includes and statically links sha2.c from
http://www.aarongifford.com/computers/sha.html, which is BSD licensed
(without advertising clause). I think they are compatible but I'm not

* It copies sources blowfish.c, and rijndael.c from gnupg (also GPL) which
have been lightly modified to remove some unneeded funtions and some
datatypes. The problem is that the author has replaced the Copyright
holder notice with it's own.

Also I'm not sure wheter the cyphering algorithms blowfish and
rijndael (aes) force the program to go to non-US or it can be put into

Any help is welcommed,

PS: Please CC me on replies as I'm not subscribed.

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