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Re: Lenny with Atheros AR522/AR5213 Chipset

On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 03:55:45PM -0600, Richard Werst wrote:
> The behavior is rather strange, as it will connect (with a reading of
> 100% when I am in my office next to the router), and after a short time
> the network manager (Gnome) will drop to 0%.
> Are there some setting I can check?

post a chunk of syslog recorded while these events occur (link ok, data
flow, link lost, link ok, ... etc). Perhaps even better if you manage to
enable ath5k debug.
As a basic visible monitor, in a terminal keep a ping(1) to some stable
node beyond the AP (or the AP itself) running; check 'time' param 
fluctuations. If it's the hw going to sleep if no data flows, then the
ping could keep it up.

> Searching for answers have only led me to people suggesting that ATH5K
> be blacklisted, and that the Madwifi driver be used (it worked very well

try that, if you can. That'd tell (likely) whether it's ath5k's or some
(net) daemon's issue.

Note, I don't use Gnome's NM, so can't provide hints there - I'm sure
other will chime in.


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