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Debian Newsletter

Hallo Jens, hallo Übersetzerteam,

auch ich lese die mailing list schon eine ganze Zeit und nach Jens
posting gestern habe ich mich mal an die Übersetzung der Debian News
gemacht. Fertig geworden bin ich noch nicht; ich wollte erstmal auf
feedback warten.

Den Text hänge ich einfach an. Ich hoffe das ist soweit ok.

Besonders schwierig finde ich sachen wie "release team" oder "Debian
Developers". Da würde ich gerne mal wissen, wie ihr das generell
handabt, d.h. ob ihr sowas generell übersetzt oder nicht.

mfg Benedikt
#use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE="2008-04-21" SUMMARY="Neuer DPL gew�hlt, Umfrage zur Debian-Gemeinschaft, Ver�ffentlichungs-Aktualisierung, Google Summer of Code, Planet Debian als Mailingliste?"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.4"
#use wml::debian::acronyms
# $Id: index.wml,v 1.2 2008-05-01 13:35:36 kreutzm-guest Exp $

<p>Welcome to the first issue of the Debian Project News, the newsletter for
the Debian community! From now on we'll keep you informed about recent
events and interesting developments in and around the Debian Community on
a biweekly basis. But we could still use some help, so feel free to take
a look at our <a href="http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/";>wiki</a>.</p>

<p><strong>New Debian Project Leader elected</strong><br />
After 12 years of working on Debian as a developer
<a href="http://times.debian.net/1232";>Steve McIntyre was elected as the new Debian project leader</a>.
Within short hours of taking the job Steve had his first
<a href="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/17716/1090/";>interview</a> with iTWire
about his plans during his term.   The interview
highlights Steve's hopes to improve communication between the core teams,
get Lenny out in the second half of 2008 and encourage greater
participation in the project.</p>
<p>When asked how Steve will know if he has done a good job this year he
replied, <q>I'll know I've done a good job if Debian is in a better shape:
More efficient, more people having fun, more people working on the core
tasks that are needed. I want to see Lenny released inside our target
window. Beyond that, I'll just have to trust to judgement - my own and
those of my peers. I know that's a little wishy-washy, but it's not like
I can point to objective numbers like sales figures here... :-)</q></p>

<p><strong>Surveying the Debian community</strong><br />
In the spirit of the <q>bits from</q> mails send by various officers and
groups within Debian, Paul Wise prepares a
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2008/03/msg02475.html";><q>bits from the users of Debian</q></a>
mail, in which he tries to summarize feedback he got
and gets from various users of the Debian operating system and send it
to the development community around Debian.  Users are asked to send him
via email what they are using Debian for, what gripes they see and
<p>To get a full picture Paul is searching for volunteers who would like to
translate and forward his request to our non-english speaking mailing
lists and send answers translated back to him.</p>

<p><strong>Release Update</strong><br />
Martin Zobel-Helas, member of the release team, send an
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/04/msg00002.html";>update about the next Debian release</a>.
While there are still to many release critical bugs open there has been
great progress during the last bug squashing parties (BSP).  So the current BSP
marathon will go on.</p>
<p>Martin also added some bits from different package teams and reports, that
GNOME 2.22 is on its way to the next stable release codenamed "Lenny"
while the KDE team stopped efforts on KDE 4.0x and is instead focusing on
KDE 4.1 to be part to be ready for Lenny.</p>

<p><strong>Debian to participate again in Google's <q>Summer of Code</q></strong><br />
<a href="http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/linux/debian/2008041901-debian-gsoc.html";>Erich Schubert reports</a>,
that Debian will again participate in Google's
<q>Summer of Code</q> campaign allowing students to do paid work for free
software projects during the summer.</p>
<p>Debian got 13 slots granted, and he's sure that with the very good
applications Debian has received, Debian will be able to fill these slots
easily with very good applications working on a variety of topics.</p>

<p><strong>Scientific study about Debian Project governance and social organization</strong><br />
How did a big non-commercial, non-paying community evolve into one that
produces some of the most respectable Operating Systems and applications
packages available?</p>
<p>Two academic management researchers, Siobh�n O'Mahony and Fabrizio
Ferraro, performed
<a href="http://www.techforce.com.br/index.php/news/linux_blog/scientific_study_about_debian_governance_and_organization";>a detailed scientific study about Debian Project governance and social organization</a>
from the management perspective.</p>

<p><strong>Debian makes progress regarding reliability</strong><br />
According to a recently published
<a href="http://www.iaps.com/2008-server-reliability-survey.html";>study by the Institute for Advanced Professional Studies Yankee group</a>
Debian made great improvements regarding reliability compared to the last
study from 2006. The average downtime of a Debian server has fallen by
41% while 24% of the respondents reported to have at least one Debian
server in their network compared to 15% who had it installed in the 2006

<p><strong>Call for contributions on Debian development infrastructure</strong><br />
For the upcoming Libre Software Meeting to be held in early July in
France Olivier Berger is <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/04/msg00586.html";>calling for contributions about Debian development infrastructure</a>
for a session about session on <q>communautary development</q>.</p>

<p><strong>Debian <q>feature requests</q> wanted</strong><br />
For the upcoming Hackcontest in Switzerland Martin Krafft is looking for
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/04/msg00585.html";>more Debian related feature requests</a>.
During the contest it's the task of
random teams to implement these features. Of course they'll need to be
working with the projects to accomplish their task, and so even if a team
should not win, Debian would profit.</p>

<p><strong>Debian GNU/Linux FAQ to be improved with Lenny</strong><br />
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-doc/2008/03/msg00065.html";> Jost van Baal reported</a>
about his ongoing efforts to improve the official Debian GNU/Linux FAQ.
Since the version shipped with <q>Sarge</q> and even <q>Etch</q> weren't in a good
shape (and partly outdated) he added new services and tools and rewrote
some parts of the FAQ.  The updated FAQ will feature several translations
and will be shipped in a separate debian-faq package instead of being
part of the doc-debian package.</p>
<p><strong>Debian Lenny to be shipped with qmail and djbdns in main</strong><br />
In the past Debian users who favoured using the popular software from Dan
J. Bernstein (like qmail or djbdns) needed to use packages shipping only
the source and compile these programmes them self or use packages provided
by external services. This was due to a restrictive license used by him to
distribute his software. However, since Bernstein decided to change the
licence terms for his software, qmail and djbdns may be distributed in
Debian main and already efforts are going on to provide packages with the
next stable release.

<p><strong>Planet Debian as mailing list?</strong><br />
J�rg Jaspert <a href="http://blog.ganneff.de/blog/2008/04/20/planet-as-mailinglist.html";>wondered</a>,
if <a href="http://planet.debian.org/";>Planet Debian</a>, a service collecting Weblogs
of Debian Developers and contributors to one place, should be available
as a mailing list, too.  Some people don't like the mixed private and
technical content available there, and having it as a mailing list might
be easier to sort interesting posts out.</p>
<p>Joey Schulze <a href="http://www.infodrom.org/~joey/log/?200804201121";>added</a>,
that he already provided an unarchived mailing list collecting posts
on Planet Debian.</p>

<p><strong>Co-operative Breathes New Life into Old Machines with Debian</strong><br />
<q><a href="http://www.bristolwireless.net/";>Bristol Wireless</a> is a co-operative set
up to develop a free-to-access broadband intranet using radio, with the
emphasis on supplying ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
that are relevant, permanent and affordable to communities that find
themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide.</q>  The group is
working together with <a href="http://voscur.org/giveonein";>Voscur</a>
and <a href="http://www.byteback.org.uk/";>Byteback Computing</a> to
provide <a href="http://www.bristolwireless.net/wiki/index.php/ComputerRecycling";>access to computers built on Debian</a> to the people of Bristol.
<q>Byteback provide the wiped machines to Bristol Wireless;
<a href="http://www.bristolwireless.net/wiki/index.php/DebianLinux";>we install Debian Linux</a>
on them and use the machines in our grant-funded projects
in deprived inner city areas.</q></p>

<p><strong>Other News</strong><br />
<p>Christian Perrier noticed that in the last
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2008/04/msg00007.html";>batch of people becoming official Debian Developers, 10% are female</a>.
He hopes that the <a href="http://women.debian.org/";>Debian Women Project</a>,
which tries to encourage women to become more involved with Debian,
will keep the pace.</p>

<p>Russell Coker <a href="http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/03/28/debian-se-linux-status/";>bloged</a>
<a href="http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/04/02/se-linux-play-machine-passwords/";>several</a>
<a href="http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/04/02/se-linux-etch-amd64/";>times</a>
<a href="http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/04/03/trust-and-play-machine/";>about the status of Security Enhanced</a>
Linux (SE Linux) support in Debian.  He concludes that it isn't in bad
shape, but has still room for improvements.</p>

<p>After it has been often seemed, that the ftp master team as well as the
Debian Account Managers (DAM) seem to not be able to handle the workload,
J�rg Jaspert, who has already served as ftp assistant and <q>secondary DAM</q>
has been <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/04/msg00007.html";>delegated</a>
 to a full ftp master and DAM by the former Debian
Project Leader Sam Hocevar.</p>

<p>Bjoern Boschman reports about a <a
href="http://wiki.debian.org/GroupwareMeeting2008-04-25to27";>meeting</a> taking
place in the LinuxHotel in Essen / Germany focusing on the 25th to 27th of
April about Groupware solution in Debian / not yet in Debian.</p>

<p><strong>Wollen Sie die DPN weiterhin lesen?</strong> Bitte helfen Sie
uns beim Erstellen dieses Newsletters. Wir brauchen weiterhin freiwillige
Autoren, die die Debian-Gemeinschaft beobachten und �ber Ereignisse in der
Gemeinschaft berichten. Bitte lesen Sie unsere <a
href="http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/HowToContribute";><q>Wie mache ich 
mit</q>-Seite</a>, um zu
sehen, wie Sie helfen k�nnen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre E-Mail an <a

#use wml::debian::weeklynews::footer editor="Paul Wise, Jeff Richards, Andre Felipe Machado, Bjoern Boschman, Russell Coker, Alexander Schmehl" translator=""

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