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Re: Review of new man page of sensible-editor

roucaries bastien wrote:
>> (But meanwhile I'm looking at "sensible-terminal" and its advice to
>> "Set the $TERMINAL_EMULATOR environment variable to your desired
>> terminal emulator".  Since it's needed before my shell is initialised,
>> I'm a bit confused about where it should be set...?)
> systemd will help here
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/systemd/User

That would be lovely if it worked!  Unfortunately, traditional X
window managers aren't started as services run under "systemd --user";
they're just invoked via some display manager or other.  Still, for
the people using GNOME4 or whatever, it might be worth putting an
environment.d(5) pointer in the SEE ALSO section.

There's also pam-env, which is similarly hard for ordinary end users
to find out about; mind you, that has the major disadvantages of not
being activated by default, using its own bizarre syntax, and living
in an annoying non-FreeDesktop-basedir-spec-compliant location!

(Fortunately, there's always the solution of not installing any
terminal emulators that I don't want to use.)
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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