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[RFR] templates://localepurge/{localepurge.templates}

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the localepurge source package.

This review will last from Monday, October 21, 2013 to Thursday, October 31, 2013.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, a summary will be sent to the review bug report,
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

--- localepurge.old/debian/localepurge.templates	2013-10-06 08:23:05.009303919 +0200
+++ localepurge/debian/localepurge.templates	2013-10-21 09:27:31.771790999 +0200
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Template: localepurge/nopurge
 Type: multiselect
 Choices: ${locales}
-_Description: Selecting locale files
- localepurge will remove all locale files from your system but the ones for
- the language codes you select now. Usually two character locales like "de"
- or "pt" rather than "de_DE" or "pt_BR" contain the major portion of
- localizations. So please select both for best support of your national
- language settings.  The entries from /etc/locale.gen will be preselected
+_Description: Locale files to keep on this system:
+ The localepurge package will remove all locale files from the system
+ except those that you select here.
+ .
+ It is recommended to choose locales with no country specifier (such
+ as "de", "it, etc.) as well as those that include a country code
+ ("de_DE", "de_CH", "it_IT", etc.).
+ .
+ Entries from /etc/locale.gen will be preselected
  if no prior configuration has been successfully completed.

First of all, we need the synopsis to be a "prompt"....so turning it
into oe, incuding final colon....

Also avoid starting the sentence with "localepurge" to avoid weird
ccapitalization. Use our usual trick of "The <foo> package"

Split in paragraphs for readability.

Avoid "your system" and be more neutral about whose system this is..:-)

Let's try to be clearer about the two kinds of locales (I actually
wonder if that part is really needed as people who are using the
package should know what they're doing and know what locales are
about). Don't use pt_BR as example as this is precisely an exception
where most localization lies in locales *with* a country specifier..:-))
 Template: localepurge/use-dpkg-feature
@@ -17,11 +20,11 @@
  from packages being installed.
  Please see /usr/share/doc/localepurge/README.dpkg-path for more
- information about this feature.  It can be enabled (or disabled)
+ information about this feature. It can be enabled (or disabled)
  later by running "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge".
- Caveat: Changing this option will only take affect for packages
- unpacked after localepurge has been (re)configured.  Packages
+ This option will become active for packages
+ unpacked after localepurge has been (re)configured. Packages
  installed or upgraded together with localepurge may (or may not) be
  subject to the previous configuration of localepurge.
1st para: drop an extra space. We standardized on *not* using those
US-style double space after fulls tops.

Drop "caveat". The fact that this is mention on a separate paragraph
should be enough. I actually wonder whether that warning really
belongs to a debconf template, particularly because of the "may (or
may not)" which is anything but clear..:-) (I understand why, but still)

@@ -29,40 +32,41 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Really remove all locales?
- You chose not to keep any locales. This means that all locales will be
- removed from your system. Are you sure this really is what you want?
+ No locale has been chosen for being kept. This means that all locales will be
+ removed from this system. Please confirm whether this is really your
+ intent.

More neutral formulation. Avoid a question in the long description
(there is already one and that's enough).

 Template: localepurge/remove_no
 Type: note
-_Description: localepurge will not take any action
- localepurge will not be useful until you successfully configure it with
+_Description: No localepurge action until the package is configured
+ The localepurge package will not be useful until you successfully configure it with
  the command "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge". The configured entries from
- /etc/locale.gen of the locales package will then be automagically
+ /etc/locale.gen of the locales package will then be automatically

I don't really understand the purpose of this template and this is a
debconf note and "Debconf Notes Are Evil" (tm).

Still rephrase it to avoid weird capitalization and avoid having a
sentence as "title".

Also drop automagically which doesn't exist in English (and is IMHO
abused in most computer documentation).

 Template: localepurge/mandelete
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Also delete localized man pages?
- Based on the same locale information you chose above, localepurge can also
- delete superfluous localized man pages.
+ Based on the same locale information you chose, localepurge can also
+ delete localized man pages.

No "above". Depending on the debconf interface, this might be "before"
and not "above"...:-)

And the localized man pages are not superfluous....they're just not
used by this system..:-)

 Template: localepurge/dontbothernew
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Inform about new locales?
- If you are content with the selection of locales you chose to keep and
- don't want to care about whether to delete or keep newly found locales,
- just deselect this option to automatically remove new locales you probably wouldn't
- care about anyway. If you select this option, you will be given the opportunity
+ If you choose this option, you will be given the opportunity
  to decide whether to keep or delete newly introduced locales.
+ .
+ If you don't choose it, newly introduced locales will be
+ automatically dropped from the system.

Let's make this clearer about what happens when the option is chosen
or not chosen.

 Template: localepurge/showfreedspace
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Display freed disk space?
- localepurge can calculate and display the disk space freed by its
- operations and show a saved disk space summary at quitting.
+ The localepurge program can calculate and display the disk space freed by its
+ operations and show a saved disk space summary when quitting.

Avoid weird capitalization.

"at"? "when"? Justin?

 Template: localepurge/quickndirtycalc
 Type: boolean
@@ -70,12 +74,12 @@
 _Description: Accurate disk space calculation?
  There are two ways available to calculate freed disk space. One is
  much faster than the other but far less accurate if other changes occur
- on the filesystem during disc space calculation. The other one works more
- accurately and is therefore the preferred choice.
+ on the filesystem during disk space calculation. The other one is more
+ accurate but slower.

I usually recommend avoiding "preferred" and referring to the default
choice in a debconf template. This may have been changed by
preseeding, for instance.
 Template: localepurge/verbose
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Display verbose output?
- localepurge may be configured to explicitly show which locale files it
+ The localepurge program may be configured to explicitly show which locale files it
  deletes. This possibly causes a lot of screen output.

Again, capitalization

--- localepurge.old/debian/control	2013-10-06 08:23:05.009303919 +0200
+++ localepurge/debian/control	2013-10-21 09:30:14.820172521 +0200
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, locales, ucf, debconf | debconf-2.0, procps
 Suggests: debfoster, deborphan, bleachbit
-Description: Reclaim disk space removing unneeded localizations
- This is a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales,
+Description: reclaim disk space by removing unneeded localizations
+ This package provides a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales,
  Gnome/KDE localizations and localized man pages. Depending on the
- installation, it is possible to save some 200, 300, or even more
- mega bytes of disk space dedicated for localization you will most
- probably never have any use for. It is run automagically upon 
- completion of any apt installation actions.
+ installation, it is possible to save hundreds of
+ megabytes of disk space dedicated for localization you will most
+ probably never have any use for. It is run automatically upon 
+ completion of any APT installation actions.
- Please note, that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
- Debian's package management system and therefore is not for the faint
- of heart. This program interferes with the Debian package management 
+ Please note that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
+ the system's package management and therefore is not for the faint
+ of heart. This program interferes with the package management 
  and does provoke strange, but usually harmless, behaviour of programs
  related with apt/dpkg like dpkg-repack, reportbug, etc.
- Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of your system
- therefore lies in the sysadmin's (your) hands. 
+ Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of the system
+ therefore lies in the system administrator's hands. 
- Please definitely do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
- localepurge if you break your system by using it. If you don't know
- what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage on your own
- then please simply don't use this package.
+ Please do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
+ localepurge if you break the system by using it. If you don't know
+ what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage, you should
+ not install this package.

Synopsis should not start with a capital letter. Adding "by" (Justin?)

Unpersonnalize the package description ("your" system, etc.)

IMHO, the last paragraph is useless and (even on purpose) too
frightening....Keeping it anyway as I guess this is your purpose to be


Template: localepurge/nopurge
Type: multiselect
Choices: ${locales}
_Description: Locale files to keep on this system:
 The localepurge package will remove all locale files from the system
 except those that you select here.
 It is recommended to choose locales with no country specifier (such
 as "de", "it, etc.) as well as those that include a country code
 ("de_DE", "de_CH", "it_IT", etc.).
 Entries from /etc/locale.gen will be preselected
 if no prior configuration has been successfully completed.

Template: localepurge/use-dpkg-feature
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Use dpkg --path-exclude?
 dpkg supports --path-exclude and --path-include options to filter files
 from packages being installed.
 Please see /usr/share/doc/localepurge/README.dpkg-path for more
 information about this feature. It can be enabled (or disabled)
 later by running "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge".
 This option will become active for packages
 unpacked after localepurge has been (re)configured. Packages
 installed or upgraded together with localepurge may (or may not) be
 subject to the previous configuration of localepurge.

Template: localepurge/none_selected
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Really remove all locales?
 No locale has been chosen for being kept. This means that all locales will be
 removed from this system. Please confirm whether this is really your

Template: localepurge/remove_no
Type: note
_Description: No localepurge action until the package is configured
 The localepurge package will not be useful until you successfully configure it with
 the command "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge". The configured entries from
 /etc/locale.gen of the locales package will then be automatically

Template: localepurge/mandelete
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Also delete localized man pages?
 Based on the same locale information you chose, localepurge can also
 delete localized man pages.

Template: localepurge/dontbothernew
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Inform about new locales?
 If you choose this option, you will be given the opportunity
 to decide whether to keep or delete newly introduced locales.
 If you don't choose it, newly introduced locales will be
 automatically dropped from the system.

Template: localepurge/showfreedspace
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Display freed disk space?
 The localepurge program can calculate and display the disk space freed by its
 operations and show a saved disk space summary when quitting.

Template: localepurge/quickndirtycalc
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Accurate disk space calculation?
 There are two ways available to calculate freed disk space. One is
 much faster than the other but far less accurate if other changes occur
 on the filesystem during disk space calculation. The other one is more
 accurate but slower.

Template: localepurge/verbose
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Display verbose output?
 The localepurge program may be configured to explicitly show which locale files it
 deletes. This possibly causes a lot of screen output.
--- localepurge.old/debian/localepurge.templates	2013-10-06 08:23:05.009303919 +0200
+++ localepurge/debian/localepurge.templates	2013-10-21 09:33:12.132925301 +0200
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Template: localepurge/nopurge
 Type: multiselect
 Choices: ${locales}
-_Description: Selecting locale files
- localepurge will remove all locale files from your system but the ones for
- the language codes you select now. Usually two character locales like "de"
- or "pt" rather than "de_DE" or "pt_BR" contain the major portion of
- localizations. So please select both for best support of your national
- language settings.  The entries from /etc/locale.gen will be preselected
+_Description: Locale files to keep on this system:
+ The localepurge package will remove all locale files from the system
+ except those that you select here.
+ .
+ It is recommended to choose locales with no country specifier (such
+ as "de", "it, etc.) as well as those that include a country code
+ ("de_DE", "de_CH", "it_IT", etc.).
+ .
+ Entries from /etc/locale.gen will be preselected
  if no prior configuration has been successfully completed.
 Template: localepurge/use-dpkg-feature
@@ -17,11 +20,11 @@
  from packages being installed.
  Please see /usr/share/doc/localepurge/README.dpkg-path for more
- information about this feature.  It can be enabled (or disabled)
+ information about this feature. It can be enabled (or disabled)
  later by running "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge".
- Caveat: Changing this option will only take affect for packages
- unpacked after localepurge has been (re)configured.  Packages
+ This option will become active for packages
+ unpacked after localepurge has been (re)configured. Packages
  installed or upgraded together with localepurge may (or may not) be
  subject to the previous configuration of localepurge.
@@ -29,40 +32,41 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Really remove all locales?
- You chose not to keep any locales. This means that all locales will be
- removed from your system. Are you sure this really is what you want?
+ No locale has been chosen for being kept. This means that all locales will be
+ removed from this system. Please confirm whether this is really your
+ intent.
 Template: localepurge/remove_no
 Type: note
-_Description: localepurge will not take any action
- localepurge will not be useful until you successfully configure it with
+_Description: No localepurge action until the package is configured
+ The localepurge package will not be useful until you successfully configure it with
  the command "dpkg-reconfigure localepurge". The configured entries from
- /etc/locale.gen of the locales package will then be automagically
+ /etc/locale.gen of the locales package will then be automatically
 Template: localepurge/mandelete
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Also delete localized man pages?
- Based on the same locale information you chose above, localepurge can also
- delete superfluous localized man pages.
+ Based on the same locale information you chose, localepurge can also
+ delete localized man pages.
 Template: localepurge/dontbothernew
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Inform about new locales?
- If you are content with the selection of locales you chose to keep and
- don't want to care about whether to delete or keep newly found locales,
- just deselect this option to automatically remove new locales you probably wouldn't
- care about anyway. If you select this option, you will be given the opportunity
+ If you choose this option, you will be given the opportunity
  to decide whether to keep or delete newly introduced locales.
+ .
+ If you don't choose it, newly introduced locales will be
+ automatically dropped from the system.
 Template: localepurge/showfreedspace
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Display freed disk space?
- localepurge can calculate and display the disk space freed by its
- operations and show a saved disk space summary at quitting.
+ The localepurge program can calculate and display the disk space freed by its
+ operations and show a saved disk space summary when quitting.
 Template: localepurge/quickndirtycalc
 Type: boolean
@@ -70,12 +74,12 @@
 _Description: Accurate disk space calculation?
  There are two ways available to calculate freed disk space. One is
  much faster than the other but far less accurate if other changes occur
- on the filesystem during disc space calculation. The other one works more
- accurately and is therefore the preferred choice.
+ on the filesystem during disk space calculation. The other one is more
+ accurate but slower.
 Template: localepurge/verbose
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Display verbose output?
- localepurge may be configured to explicitly show which locale files it
+ The localepurge program may be configured to explicitly show which locale files it
  deletes. This possibly causes a lot of screen output.
--- localepurge.old/debian/control	2013-10-06 08:23:05.009303919 +0200
+++ localepurge/debian/control	2013-10-21 09:30:14.820172521 +0200
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, locales, ucf, debconf | debconf-2.0, procps
 Suggests: debfoster, deborphan, bleachbit
-Description: Reclaim disk space removing unneeded localizations
- This is a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales,
+Description: reclaim disk space by removing unneeded localizations
+ This package provides a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales,
  Gnome/KDE localizations and localized man pages. Depending on the
- installation, it is possible to save some 200, 300, or even more
- mega bytes of disk space dedicated for localization you will most
- probably never have any use for. It is run automagically upon 
- completion of any apt installation actions.
+ installation, it is possible to save hundreds of
+ megabytes of disk space dedicated for localization you will most
+ probably never have any use for. It is run automatically upon 
+ completion of any APT installation actions.
- Please note, that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
- Debian's package management system and therefore is not for the faint
- of heart. This program interferes with the Debian package management 
+ Please note that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
+ the system's package management and therefore is not for the faint
+ of heart. This program interferes with the package management 
  and does provoke strange, but usually harmless, behaviour of programs
  related with apt/dpkg like dpkg-repack, reportbug, etc.
- Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of your system
- therefore lies in the sysadmin's (your) hands. 
+ Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of the system
+ therefore lies in the system administrator's hands. 
- Please definitely do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
- localepurge if you break your system by using it. If you don't know
- what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage on your own
- then please simply don't use this package.
+ Please do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
+ localepurge if you break the system by using it. If you don't know
+ what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage, you should
+ not install this package.
--- localepurge.old/debian/changelog	2013-10-06 08:23:05.009303919 +0200
+++ localepurge/debian/changelog	2013-10-07 07:12:37.024582216 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+localepurge (0.7.4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
+    english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #725468
+  * [Debconf translation updates]
+ -- Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>  Mon, 07 Oct 2013 07:12:36 +0200
 localepurge (0.7.3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upload to unstable.
Source: localepurge
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
Build-Depends: po-debconf, debhelper (>= 9)
Standards-Version: 3.9.4
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/localepurge.git
Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/localepurge.git

Package: localepurge
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, locales, ucf, debconf | debconf-2.0, procps
Suggests: debfoster, deborphan, bleachbit
Description: reclaim disk space by removing unneeded localizations
 This package provides a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales,
 Gnome/KDE localizations and localized man pages. Depending on the
 installation, it is possible to save hundreds of
 megabytes of disk space dedicated for localization you will most
 probably never have any use for. It is run automatically upon 
 completion of any APT installation actions.
 Please note that this tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with
 the system's package management and therefore is not for the faint
 of heart. This program interferes with the package management 
 and does provoke strange, but usually harmless, behaviour of programs
 related with apt/dpkg like dpkg-repack, reportbug, etc.
 Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of the system
 therefore lies in the system administrator's hands. 
 Please do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming
 localepurge if you break the system by using it. If you don't know
 what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage, you should
 not install this package.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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