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Lenny 2.6.26-22 ABI change in SVN?

When I try and build 2.6.26-22 out of the Lenny SVN branch I get a bunch
of errors about ABI changing in drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134
presumably due to debian/patches/bugfix/all/saa7134-fix-deadlock.patch
and this hunk:

--- a/drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134.h
+++ b/drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134.h
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ struct saa7134_dev {
 	/* SAA7134_MPEG_EMPRESS only */
 	struct video_device        *empress_dev;
 	struct videobuf_queue      empress_tsq;
-	unsigned int               empress_users;
+	atomic_t 		   empress_users;
 	struct work_struct         empress_workqueue;
 	int                        empress_started;
The actual changes are:

saa7134_dmasound_exit                            module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0x6ca42692 -> 0x31e87c15, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_dmasound_init                            module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0xe4255c4b -> 0x1fb1287f, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_i2c_call_clients                         module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0x7ffacdad -> 0x01468dd2, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_set_dmabits                              module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0xeb91a3fa -> 0xb8b7814a, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_set_gpio                                 module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0xccb03117 -> 0x9b9eccfa, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_ts_register                              module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0x7e91a3a0 -> 0x32d0a379, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_ts_unregister                            module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0x24b92525 -> 0xe52950d0, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa7134_tvaudio_setmute                          module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0xc7836e4b -> 0x38e4977b, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL
saa_dsp_writel                                   module: drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134, version: 0xdf81cf63 -> 0x48696e1a, export: EXPORT_SYMBOL

It looks to me as if all these symbols are supposed to be internal to
group of modules and not an ABI for other external modules to use.


Ian Campbell

The Moral Majority is neither.

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