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LDAP administrators for sub-domains

I am setting up an LDAP server which will contain back-end data for hosting a 
number of domains.  Each domain will have it's own sub-tree and it's own 
administrator which is to have write access to the sub-tree.

Currently I have implemented this through security checking in the 
application and the following ACL:
access to dn=".*,ou=customers,dc=xxx,dc=nl"
        by dn=".*,ou=staff,dc=xxx,dc=nl" write
        by dn="uid=.*,ou=.*,ou=customers,dc=xxx,dc=nl" write

So staff of my company can write to any account in LDAP and any administrator 
(someone with a dn that starts with "uid") can write to any company (the 
applications are being written not to allow administrator from customerA to 
write to the tree of customerB).

I would like to have this in my LDAP ACLs.  Is there any way I can do this 
through groups etc?

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