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Re: Indonesian

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 08:24:21PM -0600, David Starner wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 08:47:49AM +0700, arief muLya wrote:
> > Is there any port to Indonesian Language in Debian's wolrd, yet?
> > How can I help?

You may also contact Junaedi Kartawijaya <milisdebian@yahoo.com>, who is
listed by http://www.debian.org/devel/website/translation_coordinators as
the coordinator of the website translation in Indonesian. I think he may
know the other people currently translating for Debian, if any.

I agree with the priority to give to end-user programs, but I'd like to
temperate it: I think that the website and basis programs like dpkg itself
are also good candidate.

afaik, there is only one translator for the swedish website, and according
to http://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/, it's the language in which
the website is the better translated. but ID really needs help: only 16 pages
from 1130 are translated and uptodate...
See also: http://www.debian.org/devel/website/translating

If you want to translate debconf templates, the best solution is to install
the debconf-doc pakage (from woody), and read it. According to
no debconf template at all is translated to ID. That's not a real problem
since this is not centralized.

But I think the main task for ID translator is to organize themselves. The
first task is to open a mailing list for you all, and then to try to find
more and more translators.
See also: http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/HOWTO_start_list

Thanks, Mt.

> Support for a language is a range. If I'm not mistaken, Indonesian is
> written in the Latin script and can be written using the English
> alphabet and the following characters:
> ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
> (aka Latin-1).
> Right? If so, then you're lucky - Debian's programs will work for you
> without problems, unlike Arabic, Hebrew or (sometimes) Japanese
> speakers. If you're running Woody or Sid, you need to add id_ID to
> /etc/locale.gen - there's a Debconf interface in the recent versions of
> locales. (If you're running Potato, I'd recommend switch to Woody or Sid
> if you plan to do much localization.) 
> The main problem left is translation. You might want to check out
> http://i18n.linux.or.id for what's being worked on. If you want to help
> with Debian specifically, find a Debian-native program that's not been
> translated to Indonesian and translate it (most use po files - the site
> I just give should details, albeit I can't read it.) Alternately, you
> can translate the debconf templates - somebody else can explain that for
> you.
> In my uninformed opinion, I'd concentrate on end-user programs, like
> Mozilla, KDE and Gnome. Trying to translate everything the sysadmin
> needs to read to Indonesian is a hopeless task, while KDE can be
> translated by a few (very dedicated) individual (Wolfram Diestel is the
> only KDE translator for Esperanto, and Esperanto is one of the most
> throughly translated languages for KDE applications (but not
> documentation).) And getting KDE or Gnome translated can give an
> end-user the appearance of an almost complete translation, whereas
> you'd have to translate the whole system for the sysadmin to get that
> impression.

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