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Re: cyrillization

On Oct 13, Michael Bravo <mbravo@tctube.spb.su> wrote:

 >1) default cyrillic console fonts (koi8 ones) in Debian package are not
 >standards-compliant - they have pseudographics in wrong places. Should I file
 >a bug?
Yes. If someone finds a font with an incorrect or incomplete encoding should
file a bug. We also need a table stating the encoding of every font we have.

 >3) I would like to discuss the problem of cyrillic users related to the
 >presence of at least three actively used encodings - cp866 (DOS; OS/2), koi8
 >(defacto UNIX- and Internet-world standard), and cp1251 (MS products).
I don't know if there is really much to discuss. We should support keymaps
for all three encoding, and maybe extra encoding via HYPER and SUPER keys.
(Please read my keyboard maps rationalization draft on the web pages of
the list.)

 >5) terminfo inconsistencies - why does mc function key handling break when in
 >an xterm?
Maybe because xterm's termcap definition is wrong.


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