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Debian/HURD, real hardware

I write this mail from my Debian/Hurd system(!) on my real hardware:
-	CPU Celeron 415MHz
-	512 RAM
-	NE2000 ISA Network Card.
-	2 HDs - 6 GB & 80 GB.
-	Nvidia 440mx graphic card
-	I have built my own 'gnumach', because I had to add 'ne2k' driver.

It works, but there are some imperfections:

*	'syslogd' says during startup (I have to add '\n' - it is one long line):

	Starting enhanced syslog: rsyslogdrsyslogd: could not load module 'imklog',
		errors: trying to load module /usr/lib/i386-gnu/rsyslog/imlog.so:
		/usr/lib/i386-gnu/rsyslog/imklog.so: undefined symbol:
		klogWillRunPrePrivDrop [v8.39.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2006 ]

*	Network works now, but... I don't know why.
	I had lots of problem. I could not 'settrans -fga /dev/eth0 /hurd/devnode ...'.
	My system said that 'netdde' is already supported by kernel.
	Unexpectdly my network is working now, but it is not configured during startup
	at all! Here is my /etc/network/interface (/etc/network/interfaces.d/ is empty):
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface
#auto lo
#iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
#iface /dev/eth0 inet static
#	address
#	gateway
#	netmask
#	# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
#	dns-nameservers

	I have skipped network configuration at all in /etc/init.d/networking and
	my network is still working! (I see a message 'Ku ku' pnly during startup).
	How is it possible?
#!/bin/sh -e
# Provides:          networking ifupdown
# Required-Start:    mountkernfs $local_fs urandom
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs
# Default-Start:     S
# Default-Stop:      0 6
# Short-Description: Raise network interfaces.
# Description:       Prepare /run/network directory, ifstate file and raise network interfaces, or take them down.

echo 'Ku ku'
exit 0
echo 'Tomato'



*	Xwindows doesn't work. I don't know X, so I can attach my /var/log/Xorg.0.log only.

*	I have problem during installation/updates when /usr/lob/hurd/setup-translators is
	called - system stops. I had to comment those lines:
	**	[101] mkdir -p bus/pci
	**	[124] #md rumpdisk
	I cannot touch 'bus/pci' (ls, cat, etc) and list '/etc' - system freezs the same way.

*	aptitude - It starts, updates index files, but freezes during upgrade packets or
	when I want to exit ('q' key).

May I ask for you advice and help?

Apart those problem I enjoy my system. I can use text terminal program (joe, mc, mutt, etc)
and compile my programs (gcc).

Happy 2021!


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