K8 CDs etc
I know it is a bad time of the year, but the K8 CD iso's are being
uploaded to gnuab.org at the moment. The first image 70% on its way. All
four should have been uploaded in about 40 hours. 16 KB/s upload Ahhg...
The tarball and mini-iso have already been uploaded. I hope that Guillem
Jover is not on holiday. The DVD just completed its testing an hour or so
ago, it is too big to upload and will have to be posted.
Main features. The 2GB partition limit has gone. The tests were made on
a 20 GB partition. The 2+ years old mkfs in the GNU/Linux installation
system creates the filesystem on the large partitions nicely. This means
that the Linux installer has not had to be modified and so remains at "K".
nano is broken and so nano-tiny has replaced it in baseGNU and the
tarball, so remember the "-tiny" bit when invoking the editor.
The GNU archive overflows the DVD by about 300MB. There are eight CD
images, but as usual only the first four are being made available.
The K8 disc set at least matches the quality of the K7 set which IMO was
the best I had produced to date. The quality of a disc set is largely
determined by the quality of the packages and the overall state of the
official Debian and gnuab archives.
As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
+64 3 488 2818 Fax +64 3 488 2875 Mobile 025 267 9420
philipc@copyleft.co.nz - preferred. philipc@debian.org
I sell GNU/Linux & GNU/Hurd CDs & DVDs. See http://www.copyleft.co.nz
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