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Re: package Antennavis and put it into Debian

* Joop Stakenborg <pg4i@xs4all.nl> [2004 Jan 30 14:23 -0600]:
> Dan Jacobson wrote:
> >Maybe someone could package Antennavis and put it into Debian.
> >Not me though, I don't know a dipole from a tripole.
> >
> >
> >>Antennavis is the best antenna visualization software I have seen that
> >>doesn't cost a years pay and need a mainframe to run, and Micros~1
> >>windows need not apply.
> >
> >
> >
> Anyone know of antennavis can read nec files used by debian's nec 
> version? I have never tried this.

I did a cursory look at the web page yesterday and I see that it's
being developed on IRIX 6 and X.  I wonder how much of a porting effort
it would be to get it going on Debian?  I think right now my level of
experience isn't quite up to doing something like this.  But, then I
haven't download the source and played with it.

Looks like a great program and I hope somebody is able to get it

73, de Nate >>

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