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Re: WANTED: Perl / GTK+ hacker

Le samedi 15 août 2009 à 17:21 +0300, Kalle Olavi Niemitalo a écrit :
> The back button of GtkAssistant seems troublesome.
> In GnomeDruidPage, the back and next buttons just emit signals,
> which Debconf::FrontEnd::Gnome then handles by exiting the main
> loop and returning '' or 1 from sub go.  In GtkAssistant however,
> the back button backtraces a private visited_pages list, and it
> is automatically hidden when this list is empty.

> (b) Handle the clicked signal from the back button and make the
>     button visible against the wishes of GtkAssistant.  If the
>     visited_pages list remains empty at all times, then the
>     handler added by GtkAssistant does nothing, and there is no
>     need to remove it.

This is probably the right behavior, and mimics what the current
GnomeDruid frontend does.

BTW, if debconf does not use the page sequencing ability of
GtkAssistant, what’s the point of using it at all? You can just define a
GtkDialog with 3 buttons (GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL and
GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD), add whatever handlers you want to these buttons,
and use GtkDialog->run which removes the need from exiting manually from
the main loop.

How does it sound?
 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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