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Nautilus crashes on multiple mounts


lately I noticed that nautilus crashes when I mount a device on a mount point where another device has been mounted on before:

root@rocket:~# mount | grep win
/dev/hdb7 on /win type vfat (rw,uid=1000)
root@rocket:~# mount /win/
root@rocket:~# mount | grep win
/dev/hdb7 on /win type vfat (rw,uid=1000)
/dev/hde5 on /win type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1003,umask=0227,utf8)

The expected behavior (which works on the command line) is that after mounting /dev/hde5, access to /win will operate on this device until I umount /win, when it will operate on the contents of /dev/hdb7 again. It used to work even with Gnome until some time ago (not sure what was changed then). Lately, however, once I have 2 mounts on the same mount point, nautilus will crash, restart, crash...

Any ideas what could be wrong there?

Best regards,


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