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Cuba Tours for Educators

Greetings from Cuba Education Tours,

We have two Cuba programs for teachers during New Years and we warmly invite you to join us on the island.

Our "Teachers Introduction to Cuba Tour" travels from December 27, 2009 to January 3, 2010. Its focus is on education and culture. Please see http://CubaEduTours.net

Our "Cuba Now Insight Tour" takes place on the same dates. It covers a broader range of topics including organic agriculture, health care, cultural and historical preservation, gender equity, the arts and nature. See http://CubaNow.ca

The good news is that both programs are licensable for Americans. Our websites explain the simple process.

Both itineraries are filled with activities that provide participants with insights into Cuban life and culture on a people-to-people basis. It's a rare opportunity to witness the real Cuba first hand and visit many sites of natural and historical importance. And you'll return having made new friends and contacts abroad.

Many American educators have joined us over the years. Read their impressions of Cuba at http://MyCubaTour.ca

We're here to answer any questions you may have about Cuba. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Do consider sharing this letter with your colleagues.

My best,
Marcel Hatch
Education Director
Cuba Education Tours
2278 East 24th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5N 2V2

1-877-687-3817   Canada and US
+ 604-874-9048   International

* B.C. Travelers Assurance Fund Registration No. 34338
* Providing educational, cultural and ethical travel to Cuba since 2000

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our quarterly Cuba newsletters.

* To continue to receive Cuba newsletters see http://cubatraveller.com

* To cancel Cuba Education Tours mailings go to http://cubatraveller.ca

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