debian-fonts Jan 2016 by thread
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[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of mathematica-fonts_18_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] mathematica-fonts_18_amd64.changes is NEW Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] 3270font 1.2.9-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-karla 20151208-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-sawarabi-mincho_20160115-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of libxmlbird_1.2.0-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-mincho_20160115-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] libxmlbird_1.2.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] RFS: fonts-roboto Vasudev Kamath
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-roboto_0~20160106-1_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-roboto_0~20160106-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#808298: marked as done (fonts-roboto: messed up package relations, and a typo) Debian Bug Tracking System
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-font-awesome_4.5.0~dfsg-1_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-font-awesome_4.5.0~dfsg-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-yozvox-yozfont 13.11~dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-roboto_0~20160106-1_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-roboto_0~20160106-1_i386.changes REJECTED Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-mincho 20160115-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] libxmlbird 1.2.0-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-roboto 2:0~20160106-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-font-awesome 4.5.0~dfsg-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] RM fonts-croscore in unstable Fabian Greffrath
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-cantarell_0.0.21-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-cantarell_0.0.21-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-noto_20160116-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-noto_20160116-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] [bts-link] source package fontforge bts-link-upstream
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of grcompiler_4.2-6_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] grcompiler_4.2-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of octicons_3.4.1-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] octicons_3.4.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#812934: octicons: typo in package description Daniele Forsi
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-noto 20160116-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-cantarell 0.0.21-1 MIGRATED to testing Debian testing watch
The last update was on 11:44 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 124 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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