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Il gio, 2002-10-24 alle 00:38, Carlo Contavalli ha scritto:
> Hello!
>   Is there going to be anybody at SMAU Milan, Italy?
> Just out of curiosity... SMAU has nothing to do with open source or
> free software, but it's one of the greatest events about
> IT in Italy...

there was some discussion and i think at least a debian developer
(giuseppe sacco i think) was trying to have a still-unamed-company give
a little space for a debian booth. i tryied to obtain an official space
offered by the smau organization for 3 years now but still did not
worked. (well.. 1st time, 5 years ago they don't even know about linux,
at least now they know what i am talking about..)
Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
  Debian. The best software from the best people [see above]
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