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Re: Recording VCS information in the source package info

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, James Westby wrote:
> > Right now, dpkg-dev building tools are mostly VCS-agnostic (I would like
> > this to change, by providing a generic vcs-buildpackage) and the only
> > solution to add those fields is to pass -D parameters to the dpkg-source
> > call.
> Which isn't currently accessible from dpkg-buildpackage, advice on
> dealing with that would be appreciated.

That's http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=566230
we just need to decide on the proper syntax and we can implement it.
But I got no feedback :(

> (vcs-buildpackage would be interesting, I'd contribute to that if you
> start it)

Cool, don't hold your breath though, I have plenty to do before I can
tackle this one...

> > I'm not sure that VCS-*-tree is needed though, why not simply adding some
> > sort of "dirty" marker in the VCS-*-revision field? What would the
> > supplementary hash be useful for?
> That's pretty much what it is doing at a first cut, but without having
> to define a format for Vcs-*-revision beyond "string that means
> something to the VCS."
> It would allow tools to do more intelligent things sometimes though. A
> tool may want to act differently if two packages with different revision
> ids have matching trees.

That seems pretty hypothetic at that stage though, can you think of
concrete use cases?

Raphaël Hertzog

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