"Man Pages Project"?
Hi there...
I recall that some times I have seen an announcement regarding a
"Debian man-pages project"... which was going to produce man pages for every
single package of the Debian system lacking it.
Now, I tried to look again for this project up on many sites and search
engines (including the ones @ debian.org and @ lists.debian.org), but I came
out of this search without any result... so I was wondering...
1) the project did not exist, and it was only the effect of my daily dose of
cat-grass... [1]
2) the project exists, but the name is so unfortunate that search engines
simply overcome it quickly
3) the project exists, but it is part of another project COMPLETELY
(name non-debian distribution here)
4) the project exists, but after some years of using Internet I can't use
a search engine decently ;)
Can somebody enlighten me on this topic?
Davide Inglima, limaCAT
[1] If you think coffee is a drug, you haven't smoked cat-grass.
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