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Re: Ignoramus' Guide to Deb-Make

> Ok.  I see your point.  I'm not trying to encourage people to use deb-make
> to package everything.  But I think that most maintainers (like me) start
> out with a relatively small package and NO UNDERSTANDING WHATEVER of the
> debian packaging system,  other than maybe dpkg -{i,r}.  

I was not jumping at you, just Christian :-).  Particularly, his connotation 
that maintainer should not know policy, the tool should.  That's just _wrong_ 
IMO.  If you commit to be a debian maintainer, you should read debian policy 
before uploading your package, and check that it conforms.

> I'm not trying to write the "Comprehensive Guide to The Achievement of
> Oneness With Dpkg",  but just something that lets people get off the
> ground without having to ask a question about every single aspect of
> packaging.  I know that it took me about 15 times to get my first package
> built,  and I consider myself a competent programmer in several languages.
> Mostly the problems were due to things like misplaced spaces and not
> understanding what the control file was for.
> I've gone to some length to try to explain the basic purpose of each file
> and what each field does in the hopes that by reading through them in
> normalspeak instead of ProgrammingManualSpeak (which certainly has its
> uses) users will begin to understand what's really going on.

Right.  I've only recently switched from being a hardline pro-debmake guy  :-),
so I understand where you are coming from.  I am not totally against new 
maintainers using debmake, but I do want them to know that this is not the only 
way, and not the best way either.

> I do think,  though,  that there will be a call for systems like deb-make
> for a LONG time.  How many people really understand what goes on
> underneath a printf() call?  Sure,  lots do,  but thousands who write
> thousands of lines of code sure don't,  and that's the sign of a good
> implementation.  If we're lucky,  people who are just learning will start
> to use deb-make,  and switch over to doing it by hand when they realize
> how nifty it really is.  

Yes, that's my hope.  The real solution to the problem is, of course, a tool 
that would generate valid rules file from a set of rules.  Something like 
automake (no, this idea isn't new, Ian is planning to write such a tool).  

P.S. I guess this thread mandates me to submit some SGML'ized non-debmake'd 
rules files :-)

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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