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My GPG key and ballotting

  Ok, I took too long to spend the 5 minutes necessary to submit my vote
on the "ajt amendement" ballot, so I may not have time to resolve this
and still get my vote in by the deadline.  But can anyone tell me whether
I need to do something special to get my key into the "official voting cabel"
list?  It works fine for signing uploads, but it looks like I can't vote.  None
of the documentation that I found suggests that I'd have to do anything special,
except for a small reference to keyring-maint; am I expected to manually submit
my key there?  (I just assumed, esp. since my uploads were accepted by dinstall,
that that had been done automatically)

The error received was:

Your ballot to the vote system is malformed, or an internal processing
error occured. The information below may help you, or the vote
administrator to identify the problem.

Error: Unable to check the signature or the signature was invalid:
==> Message Error: Unable to verify signature, signing key missing.
Python Stack Trace:
   ? /org/vote.debian.org/bin/gpgwrapper:149: raise Error, Res[0];


Attachment: pgpjwlFlAZFvo.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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