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Re: SPI violating bylaws and Debian constitution

On 2000-10-11 07:50, John Goerzen wrote:
>Alex Romosan <romosan@adonis.lbl.gov> writes:
>> John Goerzen <jgoerzen@progenylinux.com> writes:
>> > The recent situation with regard to the voting has brought to my
>> > attention matters regarding SPI:
>> so the proposal to remove non-free wasn't enough...
>I don't know what you're trying to imply, but please don't shoot the
>messenger.  IANAL, but as it appears now, SPI may be in violation of
>its articles of incorporation and very bad things could result.
>Does anybody seriously doubt that this can spell Bad Things for

From past experience let me assure you that this isn't as serious as it 
An incorporated organization is given a fair amount of lee-way before it will 
be deregistered.  Letting these things slip for a year or more will be 
forgiven as long as reports are provided in an official format.

Also the risk of problems is minimal as long as no-one tries to sue in the 

The solution is simple, SPI must get enough board members, and it must hold a 
meeting and publish the minutes.

What exactly are the requirements to be a board member?  I expect that I am 
ruled out because I reside in Amsterdam (AFAIK this is all based in the USA). 
If the requirements and duties are clarified then I expect that finding 4 
volunteers will be easy enough.

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