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Description: This program is designed to test the read throughput of a hard
 drive at different tracks.  A modern hard drive will have more sectors in the
 outer tracks because they are longer.  The hard drive will have a number
 (often more than 8) of zones where each zone has the same number of sectors
 (due to the need for an integral number of sectors per track).  This program
 allows you to determine the levels of performance provided by different zones
 and store them in a conveniant format for gnuplot.
 It's also good for trivial tasks like determining whether you have a 10x or a
 20x CD-ROM drive.  ;)

This is a program I wrote.  It's online at http://www.coker.com.au/zcav/ . 
By the time you read this message version 0.02 should be online (0.02 is
the first version with Debian package files).

I hope that Brian May will be able to sponsor this one for me.

Electronic information tampers with your soul.

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