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Re: New packages ivtools and mixviews

Guenter Geiger wrote:
> Mixviews is a very powerful sound editor. It uses the InterViews
> library, which is now known as ivtools 
>    http://www.vectaport.com/ivtools/
> The InterViews library is also used by the vrweb VRML browser but
> included in the sources there (and probably statically linked). 
> I'm not sure if we can manage to get vrweb depend on ivtools too.
> I am planning to package ivtools and mixviews .. Any comments ?

Yes - I'm so glad someone else is doing it! :-) I've tried to compile
mixviews several times and always failed, so my hopes of a debian package
were stymied. I hope you get it to work, mixviews is a great program.

see shy jo

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